Personal Credibility Session

Personal Credibility Session


Every person has an inherent need to be valued and respected by others. When people believe, trust and have confidence in you, you naturally receive their respect. You will be able to persuade and influence people if they believe you are credible. Personal credibility helps you create productive relations with others and to accomplish more within those relationships. Personal credibility increases personal effectiveness.

This workshop focuses on how to build credibility, avoid credibility “busters” and what to do to regain credibility.

Course Profile


What is Personal Credibility and why does it matter?

Barriers to Personal Credibility

Developing Personal Credibility

Building Trust

Influencing others

Communication, Credibility, Trust and Influence – how are they all connected

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • State the value of personal credibility
  • Identify actions and behaviours that erode personal credibility
  • Work through simple case studies and recommend actions that can be taken to regain lost credibility
  • Build trust within their groups and influence people to achieve results


Who will benefit:

This session will benefit anyone who wishes to increase his influence and personal effectiveness.