Local Government World Conference

NigerCad Global Corporation


Local Government World Conference


Senior Officials of Ministry of Local Government, Local Govt.

Service Commission & Councils’ Mayors

Venue:International Conference Centre, Ontario, Canada

1.1 Introduction

Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles, MP in his famous piece wrote “The Government must make it an absolute priority to return as much power as possible to Local Government Authorities. The introduction of Localism Bill is aimed at creating shift in power from the Central to Local Government thereby kick starting an era of peoples’ power which must be considered as utmost priority”.

The above quote from the erudite Member of Parliament from United Kingdom, a foremost advanced democracy captured the essence of’the workings of Local Government Councils at the whims of Globalization. Since the advent of democratic dispensation in Nigeria in 1999, Local Government administration had gone through some visible evolution with considerable boost in consistent allocation of resources from the Central Government. However, this had not any tangible result on development in the Councils’ management but rather, an exhibition of dismal performances that are prevalent in that tier of Government.

It is therefore imperatives that, the issue of development at the Local Government level is viewed with utmost priority in recent time especially as it is gaining prominence from the international arenas as well as from stakeholders and practitioners alike. The improvement of the workings at Local Government level will engender political and economic stability whereby transnational trade and economic relations shall be viewed from the prism of politico-economic integration. This will have positive effects on inter- tribal relations in the new international political and economic order.

The 1978 Local Government Reform is a watershed for Local Government Administration and policy development in Nigeria.The Reforms dissolved the system of Native Authority in the North and as well as Local Government Administration which were headed by Chiefs–in–Council in the South. For the first time in Nigeria political history,the Reforms empowered the Local Government administration to administer their locality as enshrine in the statute book whence governance at the grassroots becomes sacrosanct, thereby filled the vacuum created by long distance of the Federal and States Governments from the Locales. Also,it is aimed at bringing governance to the doorsteps of the Local populace.

On the other hand, the 1999 Constitution also maintained the disposition of 1979 Constitution which was the offshoot of 1978 Local Government Reforms. This Constitution offered fertile ground and unique opportunity for the Local Government Councils as the third tier of Government with the power to function as autonomous components of government.
The composition of Local Government Councils as it is presently, required decentralization to avoid undermining the autonomy of the Local Government Councils as granted by the Constitution. Most of the functions(if not all) duties and responsibilities of Local Council Councils have been hijacked by the State Governments as it were.

The forth coming World Conference in Ontario, Canada is designed to bring together key stakeholders from across the Local Government arena to discuss, debate, exchange ideas and strategize on key issues affecting Local Government Administration on the global scale such as fiscal restraints,efficiency challenges, decentralization of power,protecting frontline services, empowering communities and human resources development along with employees engagements.

Also,it is meant to dissect the vagaries of lacunain operational standard and stratagem in Local Government Administration between the developed world and developing countries.This shall be compared at par especially,based on the achievements and result in relation to equal input of resources and man power dissipated.

1.2 Objectives of the Conference:

The World Conference on Local Government Councils’ Administration is meant to achieve the following objectives:

• The Conference will give credence to performance of leadership at the Local Government level. In this vein, emphasis shall be laid on promoting and seeking efficiency in service delivery, curtailing of wastes, as well as showcasing excellent examples of efficiency in saving at the back office areas such as procurement,ICT,Asset Management and Control Accounts.

• It is equally vital and important that, Local Government strives so as to affect the national economy positively and maximally for posterity sake and development. To this end,leadership at the Local Government should be the melting point for national political discourse and excellent grassroots mobilization strategy. Selection process and change management could easily be negotiated vis-à-vis at that level of recruitment.
It is known all over the world that grassroots democracy is a laboratory for democratic practice and the incubator of municipal political experiment on the wider scale.

• The Conference will give opportunity for stakeholders to free interactions and networking aimed at exchanging of ideas as well as peer review mechanism for better workings of Local Government administration.This shall be mutually beneficial in order to provide solutions to numerous problems that will ultimately create prosperous and sustainable strategies which will support strong Local Government structure both at the short and in long run.

• The Conference will discuss among others,salient issues that call for urgent attention at the Local Government level. Such matters as regards fiscal, policy, procedural independence and administrative autonomy. These include decentralization of tax administration, duties and rates collections as well as the other fiscal mechanism for a well-coordinated Local Government Administration in a developing country.

1.3 The Imperatives of Nigeria Local Government Officials Attendance
• The event is designed as a unique opportunity for delegates to debate, discuss and interact on key issues such as employment at the grassroots level, welfares of the citizenry, skill acquisition as well as any other issue of top priority and vital importance.

• To fathom the best ways to empower communities across board in new wave of diverse geo-ethnic divergence in the world today through effective decentralization of power and efficient allocation of resources.

• The need to gain insights into many forecasts for government policies on future priorities via extensive research and coordinated activities that will impact positively on government projects.

• Also,the opportunities to ask probing questions on some government focal projects and policies which will ultimately engender accountability and strengthen democratic ethos and institutions at the Local Government level.

• Finally, give insight on issues of vital international importance that will encourage healthy competition, encourage investment and peer review mechanism thrust.

2.1 Conference Venue:
Chapter Two
▪ International Conference Centre (ICC), Ontario,Canada
2.2 Proposed Date:
▪ 3rdQuarter (Q – 3),2019
▪ (23–27September,2019)
2.3 Targeted Participants / Delegates Attendance:
▪ Chairmen of Local Government Councils in Nigeria
▪ Secretaries of some Mega Local Government Councils
▪ Directors of Personnel of some Mega Local Government Councils.
▪ Permanent Secretary, States’ Ministry of Local Government Affairs
▪ Department of Local Government Affairs, OSGF, the Presidency
▪ Chairman, Senate Committee on State and Local Government Affairs
▪ Chairman, House Committee on State and Local Government Affairs
▪ Special Advisers / Senior Special Assistants / Chairmen of States’ Local Government Service Commissions
▪ Delegates from the National Secretariat,National Union of Local Government Employees(NULGE).
▪ Delegates(National,Zonal and State Chairmen)from the Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON).Others
Expected Total: – – (to be decided).
2.4 Participants / Delegates Payments:
• Charges to be determined based on the numbers of participants mobilized, Charges shall be inclusive of all local taxes &rates.
Course fees will cover Tuition, Tea Break, 3 – course Lunch, Course materials & Souvenirs, Conference Certificates only.
Delegate shall be responsible for their Travels and Accommodation except otherwise decided.
2.5 Payment Module:
▪ Bank Transfer / Master Card Payment only.